router 53 亚马逊_亚马逊53号公路
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router 53 亚马逊

Amazon Route 53 is a DNS (Domain Name System) web service on AWS Cloud. As we all know that we access an application or website through IP address or domain over the internet. For example, journaldev.com is the host or domain.

Amazon Route 53是AWS Cloud上的DNS(域名系统) Web服务。 众所周知,我们通过IP地址或域通过Internet访问应用程序或网站。 例如,journaldev.com是主机或域。

We have learned about the , , and . But how internet traffic is being routed to these resources. Here Amazon Route 53 comes in the picture, it routes the internet traffic to your application or website running on AWS Cloud. If you have an idea of the Domain Name System and how it works then you will find Amazon Route 53 service very familiar. Similar to other services on AWS Cloud, Amazon Route 53 is also highly scalable.

我们已经了解了 , , 并 。 但是如何将互联网流量路由到这些资源。 图中是Amazon Route 53,它将Internet流量路由到您在AWS Cloud上运行的应用程序或网站。 如果您对域名系统及其工作原理有所了解,那么您会发现Amazon Route 53服务非常熟悉。 与AWS Cloud上的其他服务类似,Amazon Route 53也具有高度可扩展性。

什么是DNS(域名系统)? (What is a DNS (Domain Name System)?)

Before understanding Amazon Route 53, we need to understand what is a Domain Name System (DNS) service?

在了解Amazon Route 53之前,我们需要了解什么是域名系统(DNS)服务?

Domain Name System is a service which is globally distributed to translate the human-readable domain names (for example, www.journaldev.com) to the specific IP address (for example, Domain names are easy to remember for a human instead of the IP address. The IP address is the actual location/address of a computer on the internet. It’s just like the phone book where names are mapped with the telephone number.

域名系统是一项在全球范围内分发的服务,用于将人类可读的域名(例如www.journaldev.com)转换为特定的IP地址(例如192.0.0.1)。 域名很容易记住,而不是IP地址。 IP地址是互联网上计算机的实际位置/地址。 就像电话簿中的名称与电话号码对应一样。

Domain Name Servers translates the domain name into an IP address and locate the computer where the end user will reach.


什么是Amazon Route 53? (What is Amazon Route 53?)

Amazon Route 53 is a Domain Name System (DNS) web service on AWS Cloud. It’s highly scalable and available service. It’s just like any other DNS service with AWS cloud benefits. Amazon Route 53 connects the user requests to the infrastructure services running on AWS. It can route the request to the service such as – EC2 Instances, Load Balancer or S3 buckets, etc. Amazon Route 53 can also route user request to the service outside of the AWS infrastructure.

Amazon Route 53是AWS Cloud上的域名系统(DNS)Web服务。 它具有高度的可扩展性和可用的服务。 就像任何其他具有AWS云优势的DNS服务一样。 Amazon Route 53将用户请求连接到在AWS上运行的基础架构服务。 它可以将请求路由到服务,例如– EC2实例,负载平衡器或S3存储桶等。Amazon Route 53还可以将用户请求路由到AWS基础架构之外的服务。

Amazon Route 53 can be mainly used for:

Amazon Route 53可主要用于:

  1. Register Domain Names on AWS

  2. Routing the internet traffic to other AWS services

  3. Check the Health of your resources


为什么选择Amazon Route 53? (Why Amazon Route 53?)

There are a number of reasons to use Amazon Route 53:

使用Amazon Route 53的原因有很多:

1.具有成本效益 (1. Cost-effective)

Amazon Route 53 is very cost effective, you only have to pay for the services that you use. For example, you pay for the number of queries that the service answers for each of your domains, hosted zones, and Health check.

Amazon Route 53具有很高的成本效益,您只需为所使用的服务付费。 例如,您为服务为您的每个域,托管区域和运行状况检查所回答的查询数付费。

You can learn more about pricing here at .


2.高可用 (2. Highly Available)

Amazon Route 53 uses a highly available and reliable network backbone of AWS cloud. Domain Name Servers are distributed in nature and offer very low latency. Which helps to route the user request consistently without any failure.

Amazon Route 53使用AWS云的高度可用且可靠的网络主干。 域名服务器本质上是分布式的,并且延迟很短。 这有助于一致地路由用户请求而不会失败。

3.非常简单 (3. Very Simple)

It’s very easy to control Amazon Route 53 from its APIs. For example, create a DNS record whenever you create an EC2 instance. It’s APIs makes the job pretty simple to use. You can do the setup from the AWS Management Console and service would be available in a few minutes.

通过其API控制Amazon Route 53非常容易。 例如,无论何时创建EC2实例,都创建一个DNS记录。 它的API使这项工作易于使用。 您可以从AWS管理控制台进行设置,几分钟后即可使用该服务。

4.可扩展 (4. Scalable)

After a point of time, everything comes down to the scaling when the number of user requests increases. Amazon Route 53 scales automatically when the number of queries increases.

一段时间之后,当用户请求数量增加时,一切都会下降。 查询数量增加时,Amazon Route 53会自动扩展。

5.安全 (5. Secure)

You are doing everything within the boundary of AWS Cloud. AWS Cloud is highly secure which makes it’s service secure as well. With AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM), you can grant unique credentials. And can manage permissions for every user within your AWS account

您正在AWS云范围内做所有事情。 AWS Cloud高度安全,这也使其服务安全。 借助AWS Identity and Access Management(IAM),您可以授予唯一的凭证。 并可以管理您AWS账户中每个用户的权限

6.与其他服务兼容 (6. Compatible with Other Services)

When you use a service on AWS cloud, you are meant to use that in association with many other services. Amazon Route 53 is designed to use other AWS services. You can map your domain to EC2 instances, S3 bucket, Load Balancer, and Amazon CloudFront, etc.

在AWS云上使用服务时,您应将其与许多其他服务结合使用。 Amazon Route 53旨在使用其他AWS服务。 您可以将域映射到EC2实例,S3存储桶,负载均衡器和Amazon CloudFront等。

亚马逊Route 53概念 (Amazon Route 53 Concepts)

To understand the concept of Amazon Route 53 we need to learn about the Domain Registration, Domain Name System, and Health Check concepts. These are generic concepts but are the core of Amazon Route 53.

要了解Amazon Route 53的概念,我们需要了解域名注册,域名系统和运行状况检查的概念。 这些是通用概念,但是Amazon Route 53的核心。

域名注册 (Domain Registration)

Domain Registration concept contains a series of components.


1.域名 (1. Domain Name)

Domain names are human readable names, for example, journaldev.com. You can choose any name as per the domain name rules.

域名是人类可读的名称,例如journaldev.com。 您可以根据域名规则选择任何名称。

If the domain name has already been taken by someone else then you can choose by changing the TLD name. OR you can try choosing similar names.

如果该域名已被其他人使用,则可以通过更改TLD名称进行选择。 或者,您可以尝试选择类似的名称。

2.顶级域名(TLD) (2. top-level-Domain (TLD))

The top-level-domain is the last part of your domain name such as .com, .in, .be, and .org, etc. The TLD gives an idea to users that what they will find here.


With few restrictions and exceptions, you can choose any name as a top-level-domain. For example, if I choose .car as a TLD then it means the website content is related to cars.

几乎没有限制和例外,您可以选择任何名称作为顶级域名。 例如,如果我选择.car作为TLD,则表示网站内容与汽车有关。

The top-level-domain can be:


  1. Generic TLD – Generic top-level-domain as described in above section.

    通用TLD –上一节中所述的通用顶级域。
  2. Geographical TLD – Geographical area based top-level-domain such as country, city, etc.

    地理TLD –基于地理区域的顶级域,例如国家/地区,城市等。

3.域注册商 (3. Domain Registrar)

Domain Registrars are the companies which are allowed or accredited by ICANN to register the domain names. ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers) can accredit companies to process the registration of top-level-domains.

域名注册商是ICANN允许或认可的域名注册公司。 ICANN(互联网名称与数字地址分配机构)可以授权公司处理顶级域名的注册。

Amazon is a registrar for .com, .org, and .net domains.


4.域注册表 (4. Domain Registry)

Typically a company that owns all rights to see the top-level-domains. A domain registry defines the rules to register the domains and it stores the data of the domain administrators.

通常,一家拥有查看顶级域的所有权利的公司。 域注册表定义了注册域的规则,并存储域管理员的数据。

5.域经销商 (5. Domain Reseller)

Just like Amazon Route 53, a company or service that sells the domain for the registrar. Amazon also has an associate registrar Gandi. So, Amazon Route 53 is a domain reseller for both Amazon Registrar and the Gandi.

就像Amazon Route 53一样,为注册商出售域名的公司或服务。 亚马逊还有一个副注册商甘迪。 因此,Amazon Route 53是Amazon Registrar和Gandi的域名经销商。

域名系统(DNS)概念 (Domain Name System (DNS) Concepts)

Domain name system is itself a big topic for the discussion but let’s explore a few of the very important concepts that you will see on AWS Cloud.

域名系统本身是讨论的主题,但让我们探索一些您将在AWS Cloud上看到的非常重要的概念。

1.域名系统(DNS) (1. Domain Name System (DNS))

We have already discussed what is DNS? For your reference again:

我们已经讨论了什么是DNS? 供您再次参考:

“Domain Name System is a service which is globally distributed to translate the human-readable domain names (for example, www.journaldev.com) to the specific IP address (for example, Domain names are easy to remember for a human instead of the IP address. The IP address is the actual location/address of a computer on the internet. It’s just like the phone book where names are mapped with the telephone number.

“域名系统是一项在全球范围内分发的服务,用于将人类可读的域名(例如www.journaldev.com)转换为特定的IP地址(例如192.0.0.1)。 域名很容易记住,而不是IP地址。 IP地址是互联网上计算机的实际位置/地址。 就像电话簿中的名称与电话号码对应一样。

Domain Name Servers translates the domain name into an IP address and locate the computer where the end user will reach.”


2. DNS查询 (2. DNS Query)

DNS query is the request to domain name system (DNS) for the resource. When you type a domain name in your browser address bar then the browser sends a query to DNS server/resolver to resolve the domain name. The result of DNS typically contains the IP address.

DNS查询是对资源的域名系统(DNS)的请求。 当您在浏览器地址栏中键入域名时,浏览器会向DNS服务器/解析器发送查询以解析该域名。 DNS的结果通常包含IP地址。

3. DNS解析器 (3. DNS Resolver)

When you enter a domain name in your browser’s address bar, the query to resolve the IP Address goes to DNS resolver first. DNS resolver is the intermediate server between the DNS server and your browser. DNS servers are often managed by the IPS(internet service provider).

在浏览器的地址栏中输入域名时,解析IP地址的查询将首先进入DNS解析器。 DNS解析器是DNS服务器和浏览器之间的中间服务器。 DNS服务器通常由IPS(互联网服务提供商)管理。

4. IP地址 (4. IP Address)

IP stands of the Internet Protocol. An IP address is a number that is assigned to a device on the internet. The device could be a computer, laptop, mobile or a server.

IP代表Internet协议。 IP地址是分配给Internet上设备的数字。 该设备可以是计算机,笔记本电脑,移动设备或服务器。

There are two versions of IP address:


  1. IPv4 – Internet protocol version 4 (IPv4), for example,

    IPv4 – Internet协议版本4(IPv4),例如192.0.0.1。
  2. IPv6 – Internet protocol version 6(IPv6), for example, 1101:0cd4:45b1:0000:0000:bcdf:0002:5678

    IPv6 – Internet协议版本6(IPv6),例如1101:0cd4:45b1:0000:0000:bcdf:0002:5678

Amazon Route52 supports both IPv4 and IPv6.

Amazon Route52支持IPv4和IPv6。

5.名称服务器 (5. Name Server)

Name servers are the servers in Domain Name System (DNS) which actually helps to translate the domain name into the IP address.


6.记录(DNS记录) (6. record (DNS record))

A record tells that how you want to route the traffic to a domain or its subdomain. Typically, a record is an object in the hosted zone.

一条记录告诉您如何将流量路由到域或其子域。 通常,记录是托管区域中的对象。

7.托管区域 (7. hosted zone)

A hosted zone is a container of DNS record. A hosted zone has the same name as the corresponding domain. For example, a hosted zone might include the record of traffic routing for a web server. And it may contain a record of traffic routing for the email server.

托管区域是DNS记录的容器。 托管区域的名称与相应域的名称相同。 例如,托管区域可能包括Web服务器的流量路由记录。 它可能包含电子邮件服务器的流量路由记录。

8.子域 (8. subdomain)

Any valid name pre-appended to the domain name is called subdomain. For example, journaldev.com is a domain and blog.journaldev.com, shop.journaldev.com are the valid subdomains. You can create a record to route the traffic to the subdomain as well.

预先添加到域名的任何有效名称都称为子域。 例如,journaldev.com是一个域,而blog.journaldev.com,shop.journaldev.com是有效的子域。 您也可以创建一条记录,以将流量也路由到子域。

9. TTL(生存时间) (9. TTL (time-to-live))

The DNS resolver always does not send a query to the DNS server. DNS resolver has the cache and it usually returns the IP address from the cache itself. If you do update a record then you have to wait for the TTL after which the cache will expire.

DNS解析器始终不向DNS服务器发送查询。 DNS解析器具有缓存,它通常从缓存本身返回IP地址。 如果确实更新记录,则必须等待TTL,之后缓存将过期。

Note: A longer TTL reduces the charges of the Amazon Route 53. As we discussed that AWS billing works on pay-as-you-go, if you do a query then you have to pay. A longer TTL reduces the number of queries going to the DNS server which intern reduce the usage cost.

注意:更长的TTL会减少Amazon Route 53的费用。正如我们所讨论的那样,AWS账单按现收现付进行工作,如果您进行查询,则必须付费。 更长的TTL减少了前往DNS服务器的查询数量,从而减少了使用成本。

健康检查概念 (Health Check Concepts)

You can monitor your DNS failovers, the health check of the particular resource in your deployment through Amazon Route 53.

您可以通过Amazon Route 53监视DNS故障转移,部署中特定资源的运行状况检查。

1. DNS故障转移 (1. DNS failover)

You can monitor the health of DNS by monitoring the DNS failures. This helps you to route the traffic from unhealthy resource to a healthy one.

您可以通过监视DNS故障来监视DNS的运行状况。 这可以帮助您将流量从不健康的资源路由到健康的资源。

2.端点 (2. Endpoint)

An endpoint could be any resource such as a web server or an email server which you configure for the health check.


3.健康检查 (3. health check)

This is an Amazon Route 53 component which allows you to:

这是一个Amazon Route 53组件,它使您可以:

  • Monitor an endpoint to know the helath

  • Alarm or notify you when endpoint is un-healthy

  • Configure the DNS failover mechanism to route traffic to a healthy resource


This is all about the basic concepts and understanding of Amazon Route 53. In our next topics, we will do the setup of the basic functions of Amazon Route 53.

这是有关Amazon Route 53的基本概念和理解的全部内容。在我们的下一个主题中,我们将设置Amazon Route 53的基本功能。


router 53 亚马逊


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